Tuesday, October 9, 2007

French Dirt Style Music Videos

BEIRUT - In the Mausoleum from The Flying Club Cup.

I found this at www.zefrank.com, open your mind and check out this site.

contact me if you're interested in working on a music video. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Documentary (Do androids Dream of Electric Sheep?)

This is Turining Readers into Reporters

Participatory journalism is a bottom-up, emer­gent phenomenon in which there is little or no editorial oversight or formal journalistic work-­flow dictating the decisions of a staff. Instead, it is the result of many simultaneous, distributed conversations that either blossom or quickly at­rophy in the Web’s social network.

Will mainstream media willing to relinquish some control and actively collaborate with their audiences? Or will an informed and empowered consumer begin to frame the news agenda from the grassroots?

Even this blog is considered peer to peer journalism. In fact it is even published to on line news outlets like Google reader, Digg, and others that I may not even know about. Even you the reader can scroll down to the bottom of this Blog site, click subscribe and be regularly updated on your Google reader or home page. Blogger life is the new news media.

Top Down Vs. Bottom UP

Blogs are in some ways a new form of journal­ism, open to anyone who can establish and main­tain a Web site, and they have exploded in the past year,” writes Walter Mossberg, technology columnist for the Wall Street Journal.

Participatory journalism: The act of a citizen, or group of citizens, playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information.

This form of journalism is in direct contrast with its counterpart and traditional form of Top down journalism, where the mandates of Advertisers and interests of media corporation owners and investors matter so much. In essence, top down journalism is a form of hegemony, which is the dominance of one group over another. In this case Big media dictates the news to the mass public based partly on their own interests $.

See Model Above^

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dollars for Nothin

I gain revenue for displaying advertisements on my blog site and you can too. This is what Google add sense is all about. You may notice certain advertisements on this blog, and you can have them on yours too. This is how it works. You simply apply to Google ad-sense and within minutes you get an email either approving disapproving your site for adds. Once you post the adds Google comes along and chooses what type of adds it will apply to your site or blog based on the content of a particular site or blog. In my case the blog is called The Clevelander. While Cleveland is my name the content of the site has nothing to do with the city "Cleveland," which is located in the state of Ohio USA. Paradoxically the city "Cleveland" has nothing to do with the content of my blog. Google decided to post advertisements having to do with the American city Cleveland. I'm Canadian for one thing. What I gather from this is that Google had determined the add content, not on the core content of my blog but on the blog title "The Clevelander," a clever blog title I thought up, it's a play on my first name "Cleveland."
My mission now is this. How will I cause Google to alter the content of the adds based on the core content of my blog and not on how many times the name Cleveland appears within the blog.